11:39 PM Comment1 Comments

Olright, this is a first. I just want to say first off, that although I am supplying these songs, I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE everyone to support the music industry and BUY THE ALBUMS! I mean, geez. I didn't spend bukus of money at Tower's for nothing. You will NEVER see me upload a whole album up here. My goal is to let whoever comes across this blog to see what I listen to, and to give them a chance to listen to it as well.

*deep breath*

okay, now that that's done, here are some recoms....

OH! and if you happen to take anything, please comment! I'd like to know who comes 'round here...thanks!


1. "Where Is My Mind?"-Pixies(get it here)

One of my LJ friends on Live Journal mentioned the Pixies and this song. I was curious, so I downloaded the song, and loved it immediately. A nice little tune theme ode to that wonderful feeling of not being "there." I find myself asking the same question.

2. "Careless Whisper"(cover)-Ben Folds & Rufus Wainwright (get it here)

A piano and two wonderful, talented guys. I'm becoming a bigger fan of Ben's each day. I don't listen to much of Rufus's, but what I have I like. A great cover of that achingly beautiful George Michael classic.

3. "God Only Knows"-The Beach Boys (get it here)

I've just bought Pet Sounds but I've had this copy of "God Only Knows" for a few weeks now. I can't say anytning to do it justice. It's goes down smoother than smooth. It's a beauty.

4. "Mr. Suave"-Parokya Ni Edgar (get it here)

Parokya Ni Edgar is a band from the Philippines. I honestly don't understand what he's singing. I heard it on the Filipino channel here, and well, it was so catchy...I just couldn't ignore it any longer! Apparently, the song tells the story of this dashing man with a moustache. At least, that's what I gathered from my mom's on-the-spot translation.

Anyway, I DARE you to try to resist singing along. Hoy hoy hoy...

5. "Ang Huling El Bimbo"-Eraserheads (get it here)

Another Filipino band. I heard this song when I was in the P.I. "Ang Huling El Bimbo" was a massive hit for the Eraserheads, and they won an MTV South Asia award for the song. They have since then disbanded, but I was quite thrilled to get my hands on this gem. It's quality 90s alternative rock. It's in tagalog as well, so I don't know what he's saying. I'm fairly certain that "Ang Huling" is a love song. But what do i care? I like the sound.

Well, I've thought about putting more than five, but I think I will just leave it at that number for now. Not too much, but not too little. Hope you all enjoyed.



missbhavens said...

Ooooh...Ben Folds IS wicked talented, and he has nifty and sometimes bizzare taste in covers. He does a Snoop Dog cover that is really, really funny. And Rufus...well...he's The Man.