3:25 PM Comment2 Comments

Kayne's recent trip to the political bandwagon

Recently, musicians have come together in this time of crisis to do the one act of generousity they know how to do best

...criticize. Yep, you heard me right. Kayne, Streisand, Green Day, Sheryl Crow, and the rest of them do it the best way that they can, and boy, do they do it well. It's easy to hear their comments repeated through the mouths of young people today in college and in high school who rely more on their daddy and mommy's money while blindly following their professors and teachers who have never worked an actual "real" job in the world, and march the beat of the liberal drum. So, it's no surprise that they follow the politics of their favorite music acts as well. And who better to follow than those celebrities with all their political experience in the real world. When the young people actually move out their parents' houses and start paying taxes, then their tune begins to change. But ever so slightly.

As for the liberal musicans, they are basking in all their glory. Thinking of the next million they will make while thousands of people are misplaced in Louisiana with out a home. Oh, but celebrities think about them, once in awhile. It's the only thing that keeps these celebrities from feeling guilty about the obscene amount of money they are rolling around in while others suffer. So, since they actually don't want to give up too much of their time and money, they just decide to complain about it as much as possible. And who better to pick on than the government. But that's another story.

Celebrities and musicians are people, I understand that. They do have a right to their opinion, and I understand that. What I think that they don't understand is that this nation is divided, half-liberal, half-conservative. So, when they comment on politics, it is bound to leave a bad taste in someone's mouth. My main complaint is that once a musician comments on politics, I no longer am able to enjoy their music. Instead, when I hear it, all I think about is their comments they have made against my beliefs and background. No longer am I able to enjoy the message of their music, but I am now nagged by the thought of them in the back of my head, speaking against my political beliefs that I am passionate about. That is when I stop listening to them and move onto other music.

So, please Mr. Kayne, you and other musicians, please keep your political comments to yourself. I want to actually enjoy your music. I want to hear its message. Trust me, you can have your opinion, but YOU are a public figure, and should keep us music listeners into consideration, those who actually want to hear your music, and avoid the political riff-raff. Trust me, if you want to make a difference, keep your day job.


Juvs said...


I think Alice Cooper(shock rocker) said something to the effect that musicians should stay out of politics.

Politics and rock don't mix.

He said something to the effect that music(prob rock) is the antithesis to politics. I'm the same with it as well. I'd say go vote, but I wouldn't be criticizing the government. I wouldn't want my opinions to blindly affect my "fans."

Good commentary.

Juvs said...

i read somewhere that after kanye said that, instead of getting calls for donations, people were calling to complain.

go figure.