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My apologies, dear reader(s).

Life, for me anyway, has been a little busy. I guess I'm just getting used to this "go to work everyday" idea. haha. I realize that I haven't updated ye olde music bloge in a looooong time.

I have bought a few more cds recently. I'll try to list them all as I go along:

1. Muse-Absolution
~ it's like apocalyptic, end of the world, very urgent kind of rock. love it.

2. Morningwood.
~This one is growing on me. Garage rocky, borderline glammish.

3. Death Cab's "Plans" and Jeff Buckley's "Grace" for my brother. haven't listened to them yet. I had bought them for his birthday, and yes, there was a bit of a incentive in there for me as well. *wink wink*

4. The Hives' Tussles In Brussels (DVD)
~ haven't watched every single bit of it yet...did watch majority of the concert...man, they kick butt!

5. Arctic Monkeys's debut
~ I like it, but I don't see why the fuss! Really catchy and good, though.

6. Casting Crowns, "Lifesong"
~ I'm starting to buy a little more CCM, but I'm UBER picky when it comes to it. I can't stand mediocre, trite stuff. I'm not looking for something to worship to. Not rock out to. I've just listened through it, and it's very good.


and I can't think of anything else....

...sorry so haphazard, but there's an update for ya!

laters, gators.