Haha, except I don't have a my own desk
Data entry provides me with the opportunity to listen to cds that I haven't to listened to in their entirety. Right now the Ipod's headphone jack is slightly messed up, as I can only hear out the right side. So, back to cds I go.

-The Matador at 15 collection is nice with Cornelius' "Drop." Highly addictive and almost gets me to start dancing in my chair. For that cause I can't play it much, b/c it also causes me to type slower...and compared to most of the others I'm slow. Yo La Tengo's "Don't Have To Be So Sad" is lovely too...the whole first cd for the most part is lovely. Second cd I put in and it starts off with The New Pornographers' "Graceland."
Considering that work took longer than expected last night b/c of the system being down, I expected to be in a slightly off mood. Listening to Graceland over and over remedied that. I was going to put it in my Myspace profile, but the person didn't upload it right, so no Graceland.

But I did put on stellastarr*'s "Love and Longing." Listened to their "Harmonies for the Haunted" cd like 3 times last night. Was going to put in Damien Rice, but never got to it. I think that's when I decided to listen to the Matador comp and Graceland came on.

The Muse album 'Black Holes and Revelations' is rich. Love that. I thought, at first listen, it didn't sound like it had that urgency like Absolution(I seem to remember that it had more head down piano bits, so I guess I thought it wasn't as charging), but on second listen, it's still there. Absolution is on my iPod, but I can't find the cd. Dang.

Oh and Antics. Been listening to Interpol's Antics too. Don't know where my TOTBL cd is. Do I even have a TOTBL? It's on my iPod...but I could've sworn....hmmm.
Oh well, another fun night of listening will be had.
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