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Oh, hello. I've been kicking myself with getting back to writing on this here blog. Since getting the new iPod, I've been getting new music and re-discovering other music. Been in a bit of a happy phase, sparked by the re-discovery of Belle & Sebastian's "Another Sunny Day." It came on while I had my iPod (name: Fawkes) on shuffle mode. Then I played it over and over.

It reminded me of another track that sounded similarly cheery, "Caught In The Rain" by Preston School of Industry. Then I thought of They Might Be Giants' "Birdhouse In Your Soul."

THEN I went on about The Cure. (happy Cure, not eerily depressed and in despair Cure...I have a post lined up about that. I was going to throw that in here, but it would severely mess the mood up on this theme)

Anyway, here is the happy On-The-Go p'list I fashioned up from those last few hours at work.

1. Another Sunny Day - Belle and Sebastian
2. Caught In The Rain - Preston School of Industry
3. Birdhouse In Your Soul - They Might Be Giants
4. Friday, I'm In Love - The Cure
5. Just Like Heaven - The Cure

Those two Cure songs make me want to be in love. So, I went to look for more Cure stuff. I did get the album that many recognize as their best. But that will be another post all in itself.

I'm also quite excited. STAR 101.9 is having a contest and the prize is for the winner and a friend to go to the COACHELLA festival. As mentioned on my LiveJournal (here) I want to go because INTERPOL is playing. as well as the Arcade Fire and number of other bands and artists I like. I mean, it's all well and good that Rage Against the Machine are re-forming and the Red Hot Chili Peppers are playing. But screw that. I want my Interpol.

When I first heard that Interpol were playing, I checked the prices out of curiousity. Seriously. The cost of going is out of my price range....until I heard STAR were sending people. My friend/co-worker Christina is going to go with me if either one of us succeeds in winning.

It makes me very happy. I should really try to listen in though, goshdangit.