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Okay. I haven't posted here in a while, have I?

Bad me, haha. Here's hoping for more regular posts. *crosses fingers*

Well, two classes done in the MBA program, but convinced I have botched at least some of the last project in the last class, but that’s what I get for procrastination, and a badly timed new addiction (Radiohead).

Oh yeah, Radiohead. I love them now. I mean, I’ve always liked them, with OK Computer and The Bends. Always had that admiration, but last Friday (while I was working on my last project), something clicked, and it was a little gradual, going from “All I Need” to “Bodysnatchers” with “Lucky” being the clincher.

I told my friend Kate a few days into this madness--that I think I have underestimated my initial admiration, as I called it. (I couldn’t think of a more appropriate word--I know there’s a better one to describe it). All I’ve listened to in the past week has been Radiohead. I’m serious. Maybe one or two odd listens to some Sigur Ros that used to be on the Shuffle. I say ‘used to’ because now, all that’s on the iPod shuffle is Radiohead.

The funny thing is, sometimes I don’t FEEL addicted. It’s like one part of me is slightly delayed (don’t ask me which part, I don’t even know which parts to begin with). Then I put on something like “Jigsaw Falling Into Place” and I fall again. I still don’t think I’m as nuts as some others, but then again, if confronted with the opportunity to see them live, or better yet, if I were to see them live now, I’d probably cry tears.

I don’t think I’m like super obsessed. I feel fairly intact, I think. Haha.

But as I mentioned to Kate, I’ve underestimated my initial “admiration.” I’m still not sure if it will increase. There’s so much more to delve into. But if what I’m experiencing now is anything similar to how my experience with getting into Interpol was, I’m pretty sure it will grow more intense. Hell, I’ve got a little crush on one of them, even. Do I always have to have a crush on someone in every band I get really addicted to(I throw Interpol and Oasis into this list)? I guess it adds to it, ha.

Anyway. Stuck listening to ‘Paranoid Android’ after watching a few live versions. Colin Greenwood, you and your bass suck. Ihateyou. (And in saying that I mean, “It’s f***ing incredible, thanks.”)

Well, I could blame Radiohead for my sub-par first week in my new class, but it really is an exercise in discipline. I have learned that I cannot CANNOT multitask when Radiohead is playing on my screen. I can have them playing if I’m reading, but that’s about it. I do need to work my butt off to make up for my uber failage this past week.

That means writing this ADR Clause and acing it. All I can say is God bless coffee from a French Press, and stuff. Oh and Radiohead.

I want to play bass.

Anyway, some videos!

Paranoid Android - live at Glastonbury 2003
(It's one of the most incredible bass lines EVER)

Lucky - live at Glastonbury 2003

Exit Music (for a film) - live at Glastonbury 1997
(legendary gig)

Fake Plastic Trees - Live at Glastonbury 2003


Anonymous said...

Please link to my ROCK blog MRMR.