12:51 AM Comment1 Comments

I'm pretty excited. I've just preordered the upcoming Interpol album, "Our Love To Admire." I've heard some of the tracks on it. I mentioned the three from the Kitchener show (Pioneer to the Falls, Mammoth, and The Heinrich Maneuver). Some other songs have shown up on MySpace where it has since been ripped and made available (Scale, All Fired Up, and Rest My Chemistry)

I've heard them, and it sounds great. Rest My Chemistry shows how the sound a bit different, it marks a bit of change. Paul Banks' voice is no longer as monotone-ish, and has more color now. Emotion shows more. I like the change, because I'm not expecting another, better Turn On The Bright Lights. Our Love To Admire shares some of TOTBL's traits, but takes it towards a different direction.

I've heard the whole album has leaked. I'll refrain from getting it. I doubt anybody near me is as big an Interpol fan as I am, so I don't expect to hear it blasting out of windows or forced upon me. :D

I'm just going to entertain myself with other stuff. Listened through Matisyahu's 'Live At Stubb's' album. I've not listened through it, funnily enough. I mean, I don't remember really sitting down and listening to it. I just played "King Without A Crown" and that was that. The album itself is solid. There's this track "Fire and Heights" where it's just his band doing a bit of a jam/instumental (i know, same thing), and it sounds awesome. It put me into enough of a reggae/dub mood (whatever that is), so I started playing my "Radiodread" album. That's by Easy Star All Stars. They took Radiohead's OK Computer and made it dub. It's pretty good. I was sitting at work typing and I think I understand why people like dub so much. For me it's more of an aesthetic sort of thing. I can't put a finger on why I like it at the moment.

I also have Art Brut to entertain me. Finally got to listening to them, and I crack up everytime. Awesome, witty, funny, catchy. Not to mention, I love their album cover. They have a new one coming up too. Snap. Going to have to grab that.

Adios kids. Till next time.


E.E said...

My Favorite Album =)