Stand By Me --- Nobody knows...they way it's gonna be
So, I'm actually going to (again) skip doing homework-y things and will focus on something that has just recently happened.
Apparently, Oasis has actually, seriously split up.
Now, being an Oasis fan as long as I have (going on 14 years), hearing rumors of break ups or actually having them "break up" (I cite the numerous times in the 90s and beyond) only to get back together again...well, naturally, I took this with a grain of salt.
So I went along, thinking it wasn't *that* serious, even though I had heard of the major breakdown of Noel and Liam's relationship. I just assumed it would be "okay." I then amused myself by seeing 15 year olds freak out over the break up, when I was like that at that age when Nate Atkinson told me Oasis had split up then. This was after Jason Conklin had told me and I thought he was just trying to rile me up.
Needless to say, the 15 year old me was gutted then. But fast forward many many years later, I felt like I was a veteran of Oasis breakups. I foolishly hoped that it was trivial.
But after a little more research, and seeing my fellow Oasis friends post their reactions...well, my lackadaisical attitude then began to shift. It's taking a while to sink in. At first, I think I was a little "eh." But the more I thought about it, thought about how Oasis affected my life, and how I used to love their music so much (now having a bit of a renaissance again)---well, I began feeling fairly gutted.
Say what you want about Oasis, or the Gallagher brothers in general. They're egotistical, big mouthed, etc etc. I know that. I know they can be and have been jerks. I know that they blatantly rip off their musical heroes (and they actually rip off the good ones...and hey, at least he admits to ripping off those guys). I'm aware of their faults and limitations. They weren't going to be like Radiohead. They were just going to be a straight up rock and roll band. They were going to be Oasis.

That's big guitars, big hooks, anthems. They inspired thousands. Millions.
They touched the life of one insecure 15 year old and told her it "would be okay." They singlehandedly pushed that girl into loving the music, into getting into rock and roll. Although the affection for Oasis was eclipsed by other bands, she never lost that spot in her heart for Oasis.
I've often wondered how it would feel like to have a band I followed so closely, that I loved so much, split up. Many people have seen their favorite bands split, and talk about how anguishing it is. I've not had to experience that. Not until now.
And it does. Suck. To be honest, it's sort of an inconvenience right now, but I feel it may intensify. Especially since I've never seen them live...now I wish I had gone to see them in Vegas or...somewhere in California...somewhere.
I have no doubt that Oasis could reunite again. Just not for a long while. At least, the world will finally hear a true Noel Gallagher solo record.
I think I'll listen to Oasis for the majority of the weekend. Remember the good times, and hope for better.
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