Band of Horses @ Pipeline Cafe
(Matt Costa opening)
August 23, 2009
(Pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/effinpeaz/sets/72157622017285813/)
I remember the first time I heard Band of Horses, and I remember who turned me on to them. It was 2 years ago, and a friend I knew off of Interpol Online (a forum I regularly post on) told me about them. It was just a normal MSN chat. I remember was downloading as I chatted with her. At one point, she pointed out how the drumming and general aesthetic on "Our Swords" was sort of similar to the effect on Interpol's "Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down." It did have the same sort of floaty feeling...
I'm grateful to that introduction, because Band of Horses became one of my favorite bands that day (not because of that tidbit).
The sound: big. The emotion: real. I knew I wanted to see this band live. The likelihood of it seemed distant, though. I thought I would just see them whenever I make the move to the mainland.
Fast forward a year or two later after that introduction. Hello, Twitter. Hello BAMP Projects. Hello a tweet that says "Band of Horses, August 23rd, Pipeline Cafe. Get Stoked."
Cue me spazzing silently (I think) in my room in the early hours of the morning.
So, this past Sunday, I saw Band of Horses at Pipeline Cafe. And it was awesome. Matt Costa, who I haven't listened to much, admittedly, was the opener. He was very good and I was impressed. I mean, I knew he was good, and I think I'll listen to him more now. My brother's a big fan, so I'll nick some stuff off him, I suppose.
Anyway, Band of Horses. Goshdangawesome.
Ben sounds amazing live. And the band as a whole are solid. Even though they had some technical difficulties, they carried on like pros.
My favorite moments:
1. Them opening with "The First Song" with Ben on the lap steel guitar. I think I would've preferred "Is There a Ghost?" as an opener, but First Song was nice. I did get my wish 2 songs later, though. :D I really really wanted to hear 'Is There a Ghost?" live because it builds so awesome. And I wasn't disappointed. Definitely one of my favorite moments in the concert. Actually, that whole beginning four ("The First Song"/"The Great Salt Lake"/"Is There a Ghost?"/"Weed Party") was sweet.
2. Ben coming out to the crowd during Weed Party. I didn't expect that, but that was pretty cool.
3."No One's Gonna Love You" and "The Funeral". So. amazing. live. I got No One on video, but like a retard, I turned the camera, so the end looks like it's on its side. So, I don't know if I'll get it up to YouTube.
4. Islands on the Coast is very good live. Actually, pretty much everything they performed translates well live. Of course, it's way better because it IS live.
5. "Our Swords" is performed on two basses and the drums. Awesome.
6. Oh, and singing along to "La Dee DAAAH!" when applicable. :D
The guys looked like they were having a lot of fun on stage, enjoying themselves. I do hope they come back to Hawaii! They're definitely a band I'd catch a number of times. I went to the MGMT concert last month, and it was okay, but I don't think I'll do another one (we'll see). But BOH, it's a lock. Honestly, probably the best concert I've been to this year.
At least maybe next time, I'll actually act quick enough to get a picture with Ryan and Tyler if I ran into them again. Mental note to keep grabbing "Will Call" tickets, haha.
So, if you didn't get the jist, the concert was VERY GOOD. Roll on the Silversun Pickups. (I should be spam-listening to them in preparation, to get more accustomed than I am now---but it's hard to wean off the BOH).
Until next post, kiddies.
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