Silversun Pickups
Live @ RoadRunner Music Hall
Yesterday afternoon, I had a date with the Silversun Pickups. The local alternative radio station (STAR 101.9) announced that listeners could win a chance to watch SSPU in a intimate acoustic session at RoadRunner Music Hall. So, I signed up, not sure how the whole thing worked. Wasn't sure if I'd get in, actually. But I did! So, score. What follows here is that whole adventure:
Before I left the house, I was sort of hoping to use my dad's huge truck because I think the transmission on my car is going. I thought he'd be home, but he was out getting something when I rushed down the stairs to go. So, my mom knows my car's sort of testy, and says to wait, but I HAD to go because I had to be at the radio station at a certain time.
So, the car (thankfully) and me got to the area safe and sound. Took me forever to find parking. And I WAS late, and thought maybe I could try to get in anyway. So, I meet up with my friend Chelsea and we try to find the place. But not before we saw Brian hanging out with some guy...Joe was there too, but I didn't see him at first. So, Chelsea and I walk into Dole Cannery and the place is bloody confusing. So we walk back out and decide to ask Brian (cause were were like, "ZOMG, Is that him? IT'S HIM!") where the station was. Seemed plausible enough, seeing as they'd be performing there. So, his friend (maybe it was roadie?) told us.
And we got lost anyway, but eventually found the place, and they let us in! Score. I guess they set the time to be there at 2:30 to make sure the stragglers (like me) would make it anyway.
The room itself was pretty small. There were couches and stuff. If we'd showed up earlier, we could've gotten one. But oh well.

Anyway, the gig! It was nice, the band actually walked past me to get to the stage. Nikki is super adorable! I like, wanted to hug her, but I didn't. Didn't want to weird her out too much.
I was really impressed with how they sounded acoustically. I guess I didn't know it would translate so well that way? But it was really lovely. Brian was hilarious. Just a lot of banter between him and Nikki (and Joe occasionally). Example between Brian and Nikki:
Nikki: What are you talking about?
Brian: *in a soft, whispery voice* Obaaaama. Barack Obama..
There was also a point before they started where Nikki's chair was set too high. And Brian goes, "Why are you sitting so high?" So Nikki tries to adjust the seat, so she's playing around with the handle and bobbing up and down on the seat trying to get it down, and Brian goes, "That's it, sloooowly, slooowly, up...down...." (you get the jist, haha) It was hilarious.

He also picked on Joe a little. At the beginning of It's Nice to Know You Work Alone, Joe does that sound on the keyboard, but this time, it didn't come out, so Brian stops the song and announces to the audience that Joe plays that sound at the beginning that he loves. And Nikki comments that she thought her bass sounded too loud. And Chris is like, "Are we ready yet?" So Brian asks the audience to let out a big cheer when Joe plays what he calls, "the noise."
Audience: YEAH!
Brian: (to Joe) No pressure.
Joe: *shakes head* *chuckles*
So, when they restarted Work Alone, Joe successfully plays his part, and Brian's all like, in the moment, and of course we all cheer. I hope it's on the video that they post later on. It was really hilarious. Man, I can keep going.
I think I can fall for this band even more. They were so funny, so nice. Brian's actually from Hawaii (Kailua) so he would ask what's happened since. We had a local one-dollar theater close, and he mentioned that. "Restaurant Row closed? [i]Bullsh*t[/i]." And he mentioned how we were getting all these good gigs. And everyone laughed because obviously they are one of those bands, and he was like a little embarrassed, and laughed about that.
Pics of them performing:

Growing Old is Getting Old
Well Thought Out Twinkies
The Royal We
It's Nice to Know You Work Alone
Panic Switch
Lazy Eye
Um, after the set, there was a autograph/picture session. So, thinking that that would take place by the stage, Chelsea, myself and these two people we met there lined up at what we thought was the end of the line. Nope. WE WERE IN THE FRONT. FIRST!
So, we got an autographed poster thing. AND I GOT A PICTURE.
I told Nikki that she did awesome. And I think Chelsea was talking to Chris briefly about drums. Then Chelsea and I walked out and were waiting on our new friends, when this guy came out and asked us if we wanted the scrap of paper he was holding. It was the setlist, like handwritten. Of COURSE I took it! Man, I guess I can start a setlist collection now? Hahaha.

Then a girl I met at the BOH concert caught up with me. So random! She even won the Les Paul guitar that was autographed by the band:
Anyway, it was pretty freaking awesome. They were so friendly, and sweet. Christie (my friend who won the guitar) posed with them and Brian like put his hand on top of her head, then it was covering her eyes, and her face....that was pretty funny. Man, I can't get over how laid back it all was. I mean, yeah, it was SSPU, but it was like your buddies or something. I wasn't nervous around them at all. I was so glad to go to this thing! I can't wait for tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get rail, but I'll definitely get on Nikki's side.
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